Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So for about a month a friend of mine that lost her husband just over a year ago, wanted to make her kids each a quilt out of thier dad's clothes for Christmas.... well, with this season and all the things we do for the Kinders, I know I don't have any extra time, but you don't turn this down! So I had her come over a couple of Saturdays to cut the clothes into squares - knew this would be a major time saver for me to have the pieces already cut. So this past weekend I finally got busy sewing the quilts. It took until last night for me to finish sewing, and for Rich, and her and me to cut the seams to 'rag' them.... they are awesome!!! and DONE!!!! just in time for Christmas Eve, for she went home with three wrapped bundles at about 12:30am.... that is the true meaning of Christmas, to do something for someone that means a LOT to them and they really couldn't do it themself.... do I feel like I'm special - or teary, you know when you read those stories and go... OOHHHhhhhh, with a tear to start... no, just marked something off of my list. Now I have a house to clean and dinner to fix, and luckily 2 girls [Shaela and Kyndra] did all of my shopping [practically all of it!] so I'm ready for that part of Christmas... hope this Holiday Season is wonderful for all of us!!!! God Bless

1 comment:

Coree Adams said...

Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. That was so selfless of you Jill. I bet she was so appreciative of that!